Roots & Branches festival cut down in changing times
THIS YEAR'S Cross Rhythms Roots & Branches festival, originally scheduled for July 14th-l6th will now take place as a one-day event only, on Sunday July 16th. The event, held at Dudley Castle, West Midlands, is in its fifth year and developments over the last nine months indicate it is in a time of restructuring and refocus.
Said Jonathan Bellamy, Cross Rhythms' co-ordinator, "Over the last
four years the festival has begun to establish itself in the West
Midlands area as an annual Christian music event. For the last two
years we have felt God taking us in the direction of a multicultural
expression, holding a weekend of music, art and teaching that could
embrace Christians of all colours and cultures. This year, in
continuing this transition, we believe God has put the brakes on the
event for us to take stock and find his leading for the festival's
future. A combination of reasons indicate this, including an
administrative error not to confirm the date and location in time that
subsequently left us exploring other dates and venues and questioning
the implications for the festival. Plus a number of the original
committee felt they had run their course with the event and a number
of new additions to the committee and its leadership necessitated
re-establishing the relational foundations for effectively running the
event." The outcome has been to hold a one-day free event. The
centre-piece of the day will be the Sunday Service blending gospel and
contemporary worship and guest ministers from different traditions. In
previous years many churches in the area have chosen to close their
own services to join with other fellowships at the event. Continuing
the carnival feel, the afternoon will feature quality musicians and
speakers plus food and children's activities to provide the "family
atmosphere" of the Church exploring their common unity.