Kevin Max to begin work on re-recording a classic Larry Norman album

ACCLAIMED singer/songwriter Kevin Max is to record his own version of the album 'Only Visiting This Planet' by the late Christian rock pioneer Larry Norman. Said Max, "For years I wanted to make this album, it's been in the back of my mind to create as early as 'Stereotype Be'. The timing has never been right though until recently. I was talking to a friend online named Mike Norman, who just happened to be Larry's son. We talked back and forth for awhile and I asked him to come to a show I was doing in Portland, Oregon last year. He showed up with his beautiful wife Tiffany, and we had an amazing time reflecting and sharing conversation after the show. I told Mike that I had wanted to cover the whole album 'Only Visiting This Planet' for years and I was waiting on God to let me know the appropriate time to do it. He encouraged me to get it started and told me that his father would be very pleased and excited for me to do it. To get Larry's son's blessing was all I needed, and here we are off to the races!"
Max continued, "Mike Norman and I have become great friends over the
past year and he introduced me to one of his dad's best friends, Allen
Flemming. Allen is working on a biography about Larry, titled Rebel
Poet. Allen will also be very much a part of 'Revisiting This Planet'
by adding narrative from the book to the musical selections. Along
with Mike Norman and Allen Flemming, we are excited to also get
Larry's wife and Mike's mother Sarah involved in the project as well."
The first recordings for Max's 'Revisiting This Planet' will begin in
August. A crowd funding project has been launched.
Kevin has such a fantastic voice, I am sure the new album will be wonderful and inspiring.