Florida's Eleven22 pay tribute to young believer
THE FIRST nationally released album by Florida-based worship team Eleven22 is being released in the US on 15th May. The project was produced by Jeremy Edwardson of The Myriad and is a tribute to 15 year old McKenzie Noelle Wilson. McKenzie attended an Eleven22 worship service at Beach United Methodist Church in Jacksonville, Florida where she dedicated her life to Christ before suddenly passing away one month later. Said the band's Ben Williams, "Stories about McKenzie's love and compassion for others just started spreading like wildfire. The more we heard, the more we wanted to know. It wasn't long after that, her dad gave me her Bible and I began to read her notes inside."
Eleven22 will be donating the proceeds from its new project to The
McKenzie Noelle Wilson Foundation, established by Wilson's parents to
honour her compassion for orphans around the world. The foundation's
current project is a boy's orphanage and an abandoned baby home in