Catch The Fire Music release multi-artist album

THE CANADIAN ministry birthed 25 years ago during the outbreak of The
Toronto Blessing, Catch The Fire Music, will release globally on 25th
January the live album 'Presence: Live From Toronto'. Produced by Matt
Fish, 'Presence: Live From Toronto' includes songs written and led by
Chris and Summer Shealy, Jonathan and Alice Clarke, Grammy
Award-winning songwriter Amber Brooks and Steve Tebb. The worship
leaders sing songs written by Martin Smith and Israel Houghton along
with four "spontaneous, authentic expressions of worship recorded live
for the new album." Said Chris Shealy, "This project captures the
fiery essence of who we are as a worship movement and the cry of our
hearts to encounter God's transforming presence. We are a family of
worshippers from around the world, brought together by a passion for
God's presence. Encountering God is at the heart of what we do. Every
time we gather to worship, we want to see hearts set on fire with love
for Jesus, sons and daughters discovering true freedom and God moving
among us just as he wants to."