Poet/singer Godfrey Rust set to release 'Prayers In Time'

LONDON-based singer, songwriter and poet, Godfrey Rust, well known for his music with
the 1980s/90s duo Shattock & Rust and his poems now used widely in
churches and elsewhere, will be launching a new album on 18th May. A
launch event for 'Prayers In Time' will take place at St John's Church
in West Ealing. Said Rust about 'Prayers In Time' (subtitle 'Some
Psalms For The 21st Century'): "It's not quite like anything else
you're likely to have heard - 10 songs in the spirit of the Psalms
that confront many of the paradoxes and challenges of faith in the
postmodern world with - I hope - lyricism and humour. The album is
also a charity project, all income supporting the building of two
schools in Nigeria."