CCM star TobyMac talks about his forthcoming '(portable sounds)' album
WITH GOLD certification announced for the first two solo endeavours by
TobyMac - 'Momentum'
(2001) and 'Welcome To Diverse City' (2004) - the CCM star spoke about
his new album '(portable sounds)', set for release on 20th February.
"As I approached this project, the main pressure I put on myself was a
commitment to make a record that was true to what God is breathing
through my life. What's going on? Am I struggling with my human
relationships? Are my friends struggling with me? What's going on
socially? Where are the conflicts? Where are the struggles? Where are
we overcoming? Where are we getting the victories? That's what I like
my writing to be about." As a result, a new lyrical flavour developed
on a few of the album's tracks. "I wanted to write a few songs that
would be like prayers. There have been a few prayers that I have been
very consistent with over the years; like 'Help me to remember what
this is all about.' I really believe that this record can touch
peoples' lives... not because of me, but because God is breathing
through me on this project - that was my prayer every day in the