Pop Connection expand taking on three new workers
THE CHILDREN's ministry administered by Innervation Trust, Pop Connection, is
going from strength to strength. During the past year the work, which
enables school children to sing and record an album of
Christian-orientated songs, has been run in 43 primary schools all
over the UK. Project director Andy Silver has added three new workers
to his team - Emma Owen (one-time member of The Tribe), Miz Porter
(wife of record producer Zarc Porter) and Alison McGuigan. Innervation
director Mark Pennells said, "We are delighted at the way in which the
project has taken off this year and we are looking forward to seeing
what God does as we relaunch in September with a brand new set of
songs. We have plans for further expansion enabling us to cover even
more schools in 2011 and beyond. Exciting days!"