American Christian bookshop chain refuse to stock P.O.D. albums.
THE MAJOR American Christian bookshop chain LifeWay Christian Stores have dropped all the albums by hard music band P.O.D.. In a company memo circulated to stores, managers have been instructed to return the products and give a statement to inform customers. Said music manager at a LifeWay store in Tennessee Chris Unthank, "Apparently they had done some research in printed publications and websites and found that P.O.D. and LifeWay Christian Stores differed theologically. This is what we are supposed to tell people when they ask why we don't carry them."
P.O.D. are no strangers to controversy. The group's 2003 album
'Payable On Death' was banned from many Christian bookshops due to a
controversial sleeve design. P.O.D. are currently writing new material
for their next album which they will begin recording this month.