CCM magazine article highlights black/white hip-hop divide.
AN ARTICLE in the August issue of Nashville's CCM magazine, Plain White Rappers, highlights the new wave of gospel rappers and the difficulty black hip-hop artists have in finding acceptance on US Christian radio. Said Latino rapper T-Bone, "I think it is easier for a Caucasian artist to get a deal before an Africa-American or Latino artist because they pose no threat to the establishment. It appears the Christian music industry is intimidated by or scared of artists who come from the street, which is essentially where rap music was born."
Also in the article rapper John Reuben said, "Our community needs to stop having the same cliche conversations on this subject. There is obviously a problem and we need to figure out a different way to start looking at it. That doesn't mean pointing the finger. It's a question of how we look at ourselves, human nature and how we perceive one another and our differences."