Preacher and gospel music figure Carlton Pearson in more theological controversy.
OKLAHOMA-based pastor and gospel music figure Carlton Pearson has drawn more criticism concerning his unorthodox beliefs. At a charismatic church leaders meeting in Tampa, Florida, Pearson spoke about unrepentant homosexuals getting into Heaven. According to an investigation published in the April issue of Charisma magazine, Pearson said he hoped gay leaders would "build silent bridges" by joining the staffs of "heterosexual churches" and gradually convincing them to accept the gay lifestyle. Another pastor told the group, "We do not believe that loving someone of the same sex in a committed, monogamous relationship is a sin." The article by Charisma's editor J Lee Grady went on to comment, "Did you ever imagine we would see a day when so-called Spirit-filled ministers would call for the open acceptance of sexual perversion? If you can't hear the alarm bell buzzing, please have your ears checked. We need to pull our heads out of the sand and recognise that the American Church is racing toward the biggest culture clash of our time."
Last year Authentic Music released the Carlton Pearson album 'Best Of
Azusa: Yet Holdin' On'.
I feel sorry for all the millions of people that just believe what they were told about christianity since child hood and never questioned its validity. So my question to you all is how do you know he is wrong?
chridtianity wasnt establish until around 325 AD... so what was jesus really teaching "christianity" really??? or is that what you were taught .Do your research you might find what he did,ask those questions in your spirit and see what answers you get. God does not need a book to speak to you in away that you can know ,Moses, Abraham etc... never readed ... so how did they know God... So are you really the decieved one, oh yes and Job my favorite.Do you know the voice of truth from what you have been indocunated with,...Yes jesus do hold the answers but was what he taught been misundestood and taught as truth???