Jamie Grace returns with "Party Like A Princess" single
GEORGIA-based singer/songwriter Jamie Grace, who enjoyed a major CCM hit in
2011 with "Hold Me", has returned with a new single. Speaking about
the song "Party Like A Princess" Jamie said, "We knew this song would
be a part of the album and had no plans of releasing it before
everything else. But once we got the first mix of it back from Matt
Dally, my producer, there was a unanimous decision to share this one
first. The message is really important to me and the sound is
something I've wanted to do for a while. Ever since I was a little
girl I've prayed for God to bless me with a Godly marriage, and I
truly believe that he will. Even so, we should always celebrate the
seasons we are in. 'Party Like A Princess' is an anthem for all girls,
young or old, who are waiting on the prince. When that season of life
begins it will be wonderful. But right here, this season of waiting,
is one worth celebrating too. So all the girls out there, get ready to
party like a princess."