Mars Hill worshippers launch record label
THE FAMED stream of churches, Mars Hill, which includes 11 churches in
the greater Puget Sound region, as well as in Albuquerque, New Mexico;
Portland, Oregon; and in Orange County, California, have launched the
Mars Hill Music label. The featured artists on the 'Mars Hill Music
Worship Sampler@ inclide The Citizens, The Modern Post, Kings
Kaleidoscope, Kim, Joe Day and Ghost Ship who serve throughout the 14
Mars Hill churches. Said label manager Jonathan Dunn, "The first thing
people often think of when they hear Mars Hill Music is that we're a
group of punk rock Calvinists who hate the modern worship movement.
Mars Hill Music is setting out to change that perception. Our music is
not an expression against anything but instead an outgrowth of our
theology, who we are, and the communities our churches are in. We love
Jesus and are expressing that love in our own way."