Stacie Orrico leaves Virgin Records, plans stay in Africa
POP AND R&B star Stacie Orrico has severed her relationship
with Virgin Records. She said recently, "Virgin Records is merging
with Capitol Records. As a result my label is going through, yet
another, HUGE transition. It's so common in the record business right
now, but albums and artists often get lost in the shuffle, and they
don't get the attention needed to have a good release and successful
run. Taking all of that into account, Virgin Records (I guess now
Capitol Records) and I have decided to part ways. I have poured SO
much into the 'Beautiful Awakening' project and want to make sure that
it is released at the right time and finds its home with the right
label. I know it seems like it's taking an eternity, but I SO FULLY
trust that God is in control and that this is all happening for a
reason. I should be stressed, but I'm not at all. I am completely at
peace during this season! Leaving Virgin has freed up my time to do
something that I have dreamed about for many years! I am moving to
Africa for a few months to work in the townships with children
infected with Aids! Statistics say that 50% of the children under the
age of 15 will die in the next 10 years from this ghastly disease, and
I am ready to go help fight the fight first hand."
I am very disappointed that Stacie had to make this decision right when she was ready to make come back. I loved her first two projects and had been anxiously waiting for the release for Beautiful Awakening. However, I think she is making the right decision for her career. I pray that she will be able to hook up with other secular labels that truly support Christian Artists. I believe Stacie will be fine. God is in control of her Destiny. She has a phenomenol voice and I am sure God will continue to use her in the recording industry. For other Stacie Orrico Fans her Latest album has been released in other countries. You can go on line to find it. You may pay a little more but for Stacie, it is worth it. I just ordered a copy of her album from amazon.