Minnesota band Write This Down disperse; announce EP
Down are set to release a new EP, 'Foundations', through Tooth
& Nail Records. Read a Facebook entry, "Chad and Rachel and sweet
baby Jase moved to Utah. Mike and Tianna are getting married in
September and have recently bought a house in the cities. King and
Kelly are moving to Arizona in September, helping out our best buds
MegaMike and Heidi continue Eikon Guitars. And Dani and I (Nate) just
bought a house up in St. Cloud. Needless to say, we've been growing
up. Finding the time and funds have been difficult, and balancing
dreams with responsibilities is a formula we're still trying to figure
out. We wrote the 'Foundations' EP during the ups and downs of the
past two years, and we really hope you enjoy [it]."