Three more psalms and Easter EP for Jeff Lowe Psalms Project
THE MAMMOTH Jeff Lowe Psalms Project's ambitious aim of releasing singles of every biblical psalm with new music continues. The Project, whose "Psalm 62 (My Soul Finds Rest In God Alone) ftg Godfrey Rust" recently made the Cross Rhythms playlist, have just released "Psalm 110 (The LORD Says To My Lord)" and in April will be issuing "Psalm 65 (O Listen To My Prayer O God)" and "Psalm 113 (Praise The Lord All Ye Servants)".
Also, continuing their occasional diversification from the Psalms, The
Jeff Lowe Psalm Project is releasing in April an EP 'I've Seen The
Lord: Some Songs For Easter' with five songs based on the Gospel of
John's record of the death and resurrection of Jesus.