Matt Redman, David Ruis, Stuart Townend and others for Mission:Worship
A BEVY of top worship leaders and speakers including David Ruis from
Canada, Kelly Minter from the USA and Matt Redman, Stuart Townend,
Andy Bromley, Chris Bowater, Doug Williams, Geraldine Latty, Godfrey
Birtill, Lou Fellingham and Phatfish from the UK are set to minister
at Mission:Worship Conference which takes place in Eastbourne. The
event will be held at Devonshire Park Complex from 23rd to 25th
November with an optional seminar programme covering such subjects as
Biblical Patterns For Worship, Worship Team Foundations, Worship &
Creativity, PA & Sound, Children & Worship, Songwriting and
Master Classes in guitar, drums, vocals and keyboards. For more
information visit
I pulled out some of my old David Ruiz CD's lately and have been enjoying them greatly, so I decided to see what he is up to now and found this article. I am so happy to learn that he is still deep into worship along with the others listed, and spreading the ministry. I am so glad! would like to know more about how these artists are doing so I could pray for them and their families.