An ambitious project has been undertaken by both Cross Rhythms and UCB Europe
CROSS Rhythms radio and UCB Europe undertook one of its most ambitious ever broadcasting projects when on Millennium Eve it broadcast via satellite a 24 hour special linking Christians from around the world. The main initiative was called Unity 2000: The Voice Of The Millennium Generation, where over a 24-hour period Cross Rhythms/UCB Europe linked up with other Christians worldwide. At 11.00am UK time on Millennium Eve Cross Rhythms/UCB Europe linked with Life FM in New Zealand to broadcast their midnight celebration. Life FM is the youth station of Rhema Broadcasting where UCB International is based. That was followed by the first of several links with the Youth Arise 2000 event in Brisbane, Australia, where 800 young people were spending the night in prayer. At 1.00pm UK time Cross Rhythms/UCB Europe linked with Radio Rhema in Newcastle, New South Wales and at 2.00pm they linked with Trans World Radio in the Pacific island of Guam. That was followed by the first of several links with the EXPLO 2000 event in Lausanne, Switzerland, where evangelist Tom Brock was speaking to a thousand young people followed by a link up with Capetown, South Africa, where 3000 young people were at a millennium celebration.
After that came a link up with Cross Rhythms agent in Malta, Patrick O'Cock, a link with the Real Millennium Celebration in London where 31 churches were having a multi-media praise celebration followed by pre-recorded messages from church youth groups in Bradford, Dunstable, Rochdale and Letchworth. At 9.10pm Cross Rhythms/UCB Europe linked with the Pentecostal Church in Copenhagen, Denmark, where four young people shared about their faith and hopes for the future and was followed by a major focus on Israel. There were two links, one with the King Of Kings Assembly in Jerusalem who gave their messages and prayer followed by a link with 500 believers holding a meeting outside the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. From 11.30pm there was a live broadcast link up with the Unity 2000 event taking place in the Exodus Christian nightclub in Portstewart, Northern Ireland. After evangelist David Robinson shared, young people at the venue offered their prayers while there was also a link up with young people from Cork in the south of Ireland and also at the studios in England. That was followed by a set by rock praise band Yfriday and an hour and a half of sanctified dance from DJ Coopoid.
At 5.00am Cross
Rhythms/UCB Europe linked with the National Arena, the largest
venue in Jamaica where an all night gospel concert was being held
attended by more than 5000 people, including the Jamaican Prime
Minister. At 5.15am Cross Rhythms/UCB Europe linked with one of
the main youth orientated Christian radio stations in the USA, Radio
U. Finally at 10.00am (midnight in Hawaii) the last link occurred at
an event where musician Stephen Anthony was performing. Said Cross Rhythms' Jonathan
Bellamy about the initiative, "Unity 2000 was very successful and
should sow seeds for the future. We have a vision to see God develop
communication globally, across all our barriers through Christian