One time dc Talk man Kevin Max releases second solo album.
THE LONG AWAITED follow up to the 2001 Kevin Max project 'Stereotype B' has been
released in the USA. Kevin's 'The Imposter' is released on Northern
Records. The singer told CCM magazine, "The idea of 'the imposter'
comes from Brennan Manning's books, The Ragamuffin Gospel and Abba's
Child. Dc Talk did weekend retreats with Brennan and we'd get to talk.
He'd explain that 'the imposter' is in all of us - it's that fleshly
part that isn't willing to give up the ghost, that part that wants to
take over the spirit in us. That's what this album is about - the
fight between the flesh and the spirit." According to Max, his
songwriting was also inspired by Los Angeles, the city where he
recently set up residence with his second wife. One of the standout
tracks on 'The Imposter' is a piano and vocal cover of Bob Dylan's
"When He Returns" from the composer's 'Slow Train Coming' album.