Hard rockers Mewithoutyou ready third album for Tooth & Nail.
AMERICAN hard rock band Mewithoutyou told mainstream magazine Rock
Sound about the recording of their third album for Tooth & Nail.
Like its predecessor, it is being produced by Brad Wood at Brad's home
studio in Los Angeles. Said drummer Ricky Mazzotta, "Last time I think
we really came into our sound: this time we're honing and maturing it.
There's going to be a lot more instrumentation: we have a harpist,
some percussion players and some violinists coming out to do stuff.
Hopefully it won't sound cheesy or anything; to us it seems to work
with the music. I think people will be pleasantly surprised but I
don't think they'll be taken aback. It's just a case of addressing
where we fell short last time round."