Christian Herald columnist criticises mainstream rapper Mase for bad teaching.
IN A RECENT Culture Vulture column in the Christian Herald newspaper
George Luke spoke out against mainstream rapper Mase who, after
denouncing rap music - even Christian rap - as "leading people into
hell" in his autobiography Revelations, has now returned to rap music
with the release of a new single, "Welcome Back". In his column George
Luke commented, "Goodness knows how many impressionable young
Christians with a gift for rapping were put off using it by Mase's
erroneous teachings on the subject. And considering the criteria Paul
gave Timothy for prospective church leaders, it's worth asking what
sort of church appoints a two year old Christian as a pastor. Anyway,
Mase is back making records and his chances of having a hit are quite
high. Who knows, maybe he'll offer refunds to everyone who bought his