Latest Yancy album aimed at pre-school children
SINGER/SONGWRITER Yancy has released a new children's project
in the US. 'Little Praise Party: Happy Day Everyday' is released on CD
by Elevate Entertainment with a companion DVD and the project is
designed specifically for pre-school children. Said Yancy, "A few years ago
a Bible verse popped out at me and has become my verse for leading
kids in worship. It's Psalm 8:1, 2. 'God, brilliant Lord, yours is a
household name. Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you; toddlers
shout the songs that drown out enemy talk, and silence atheist
babble.' (MSG) That means that when a two year-old sings 'Everybody
praise the Lord,' miracles happen. When a four year old shouts 'Jesus
loves me,' the words they sing are taking root in their life and their
spiritual development. I love this collection of songs because it
helps moms, dads, sisters, brothers and the youngest of tikes
celebrate and sing about Jesus in their life."