Kutless On Scrubs

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Saturday 20th May 2006

American rockers Kutless featured on an episode of TV series Scrubs

AN EPISODE of the popular TV series Scrubs features a track by American heavy rockers Kutless. Used over what is described as "an especially tear-jerking moment" is the band's song "All The Words" with a lyric that goes "By your grace you let me come talk to you/It's not that I'm worthy/I thank you Jesus for the love that you have shown." CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by Jake Hassings in washington @ 11:14 on Sep 25 2014

Just watched this episode on Netflix. 2014 and it's still stunning, such an amazing moment.

Posted by Ashley in Guam @ 09:00 on Dec 8 2010

I'm here to find the song that was sung near the end of one of the scrubs episodes. I've never watched the tvseries before, but to hear jesus as the background music was pretty awesome...trying to find the title and artist. :)

Posted by jux and peggz in nairobi kenya @ 19:43 on Jan 2 2010

we have been watching re-runs of scrubs.....my wife and i love it....its the best show ever on tv...anyways..hearing Jesus was just amazing...had never heard the song clearly....Jesus amazing...

Posted by Barbara in Miami, FL @ 02:29 on Jul 8 2009

I just heard it on a repeat tonight and jumped up to tell my husband. That's how cool it was to hear a bonafide worship song - not just a song that has the name of Jesus in it...but a worship song that speaks of lifting our hands in worship. On Scrubs, of all places! I see that this thread started in 2006. We're still amazed 3 years later!

Posted by Scot in Hawaii @ 05:46 on Apr 18 2009

Blown away! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!!!

Posted by christine in KENYA @ 12:45 on Apr 8 2009

like most of you i heard the Name JESUS, and was thoroughly impressed that it was on scrubs...... i'm a fan and i thought wow, christian rock on a regular show. i'm now a fan on kutless as well... v impressive...

Posted by Justin in Hawaii @ 00:09 on Jul 17 2008

Amazing that people still comment on this phenonmenon over two years after the episode first showed. Likewise I was watching the rerun, heard the word "Jesus", and had to do a double take. And what a great scene it was. Carla responds to the boys' screw up in about the best way she possible could, "I don't care!" What a shocker to see grace and forgiveness displayed like that on a mainstream show, with worship playing in the background. It gave me chicken skin. Well done good and faithful screenwriter, whoever you are.

Posted by Austin in Pasadena, CA @ 21:33 on May 31 2008

Similar story to Aaron and Kayla, Scrubs was on in the next room and I hear "worship" and I'm like, "did I change it to the religious channel?" and go look and it's the scene at the end where they find out carla is pregnant and the song is playing. It took me a second to realize it was kutless and so I googled it and that's how I found this forum. Great song by a great band

Posted by Samuel in Birmingham, AL @ 20:05 on Mar 26 2008

I was so impressed just to hear the word Jesus used in a beautiful song. I am a fan of Scrubs, and in hearing this Christian worship song on the show I plan to never miss an episode.

Great job whichever Christian got this on secular TV. Great job! Jesus Christ is Lord.

Posted by Jason in Minnesota @ 04:17 on Jan 31 2008


The song Overkill was originally recorded by Men at Work. The version played on Scrubs was recorded by Colin Hay (who also appears in the episode), the former lead singer of Men at Work.

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