Pillar bring work in progress report on latest album.
AMERICAN rockers Pillar are hard at work on a new album.
Wrote band member Kalel, "We have been locked up in the recording
studio working hard on our new record which we hope to release this
summer. Lester and Noah did an amazing job with the drums and guitars.
I actually just finished tracking all my bass parts earlier today and
I fly home tomorrow. One of my favorite new songs so far had a working
title of 'Samurai' because the bass line was influenced by the movies
The Last Samurai and Hero. I love the chorus Rob has for it. I think
it might really be called 'Wake Me Up'. Rob was able to get into the
studio a few days last week and tracked vocals for a song called 'Last
Goodbye'. It turned out killer. Our first 5/4 time signature, great
lyrics, and counter melodies."