Use of f-word in song brings Kings Kaleidoscope criticism
THE RELEASE of the latest album, 'Beyond Control' by popular Seattle-based modern worship collective Kings Kaleidoscope has become mired in controversy because of the use of the f-word in the song "A Prayer". In an interview with Bad Christian Podcast, the song's writer Chad Gardner revealed that he has suffered from severe anxiety disorder and suffers from bad panic attacks, and during the crunch time of the album production season he was in a really spiritually dry state. One evening, during the middle of one of these anxiety/panic attacks, he wrote a prayer in his journal and, sitting down at a piano, the music and words meshed into an autobiographical song. He stated in the interview, "The song is me. The song my heart, it's my gut, and it's my honest, pouring my guts out to God prayer . . . And then the song is met ultimately with God's true response to me as the true me of where I'm actually am at." The album has now been released in two versions, - Explicit Content and Clean Lyrics.
Commenting on the f-word use Austin Gravley on the Reformed Arsenal
website wrote, "I don't think a 1:1 replication of the f-bomb from
Chad's journal was a necessary thing to do. I think the song could
been 100% autobiographical in nature while recognizing that
authenticity does not necessitate an unwise choice. In fact, I think
the existence of the clean version that features a different word
substituted for the f-bomb completely undermines Chad's intentions, no
matter how legitimately well-meaning they might've been. It's a de
facto concession that the use of the word "vicious" instead of
"f***ing" was a sufficient substitution that preserved the
autobiographical and authentic nature of the song without bringing in
all the baggage and controversy of using an f-bomb."
Chad got real. He was raw. Jesus didn't ask us to get clean and then come to him- He said "COME AS YOU ARE," and this means with all your addictions, scars, your dirty mouth... I've cursed at Him before. It's not something I'm *proud* of, but for Chad to share this shows the deepest, most raw part of his relationship with Christ- and that is his imperfection. The fear was not just violent- Chad added one word to express just how violent it was. The fact that it's a Christian song should accentuate that even further.
I wondered over this for a while, and I find that it's okay, because it shows our human nature. Would I expect Chad to do this again? No, as I wouldn't either. It's a one-time introduction to being totally real about who he is, where he was, and his most-intimate portions of his relationship with Christ.
Just because you never published your stains on a media record doesn't mean you don't have them. Jesus cleaned them regardless.