Sacramento's Jesus Culture Music enter into deal with Capitol Christian Music Group
AMERICA's Capitol Christian Music Group (CCMG) have announced a worldwide label and co-publishing deal with Jesus Culture Music, the famed worship ministry and label based in Sacramento, California. From 1st April 2015 Jesus Culture's entire catalogue of 23 albums and 150 songs will be marketed, distributed and administered by CCMG.
On 7th April three new albums will be released through the new deal:
'This Is Jesus
Culture', a compilation of some of the group's most popular
tracks; 'Jesus
Culture Music Presents Bryan & Katie Torwalt', a collection of
the duo's most well received songs; and 'Real Love', the solo debut
from Jesus Culture
worship leader Derek Johnson. Kim Walker-Smith, president of Jesus Culture Music,
said, "We are thrilled to begin our global partnership with Capitol
CMG. We believe this new relationship will expand our reach to
territories we have to touch. We are equally as excited to begin our
partnership with Capitol CMG Publishing which will introduce new
avenues to reach the local church with the songs that are shaping our
Great to hear this. I hope it leads to morr public exposure to their beautiful spirit-filled music because their songs (particularly those sung by Kim Walker-Smith yet the rest, too) drew me back to God!