Jars Of Clay release 'Redemption Songs' hymns album.
BEST SELLING pop rock team Jars Of Clay have released their new album
'Redemption Songs', which is described as "an ambitious turn to
reintroduce some ancient hymns to a new audience." The group have
added new melodies to some of the hymns. Said the band's guitarist
Matt Odmark, "With us reflecting on what's been going on with worship
music in the past few years and figuring out what our contribution
would be to that, we kept coming back to hymns. It's music that has
inspired us and it's kind of what we wanted to share with our fans and
listeners." Guests on the project include Sarah Kelly, who helps out
on "I'll Fly Away", and the Blind Boys Of Alabama on "Nothin' But The
Even with a prayer and a smile driving to work in the morning can be...well....sometimes a drag- petty problems of the previous day linger, missed opportunities hover and try to drag you down ...ugh...but Redemption Songs lift the spirit, strengthen the voice(i dare you Not to sing along) and focus your whole being on what the BIG Picture is all about...its FABULOUS..bless that band Lord.