Andrew Greer successful in US with instrumental hymns project
SONGSMITH Andrew Greer from Texas has been successful in America with his new instrumental album. 'All Things Bright And Beautiful: Hymns For The Seasons' features hymns such as "Be Thou My Vision", "In The Garden", "I Surrender All" and "Come Thou Fount". It was created exclusively for Parable Christian Stores by Lucid Artist Management.
Said Greer "St Francis of Assisi encouraged folks to 'pray without
ceasing. If necessary use words'. In a culture inundated with loud
voices, I am honoured Greg Lucid and Parable Stores asked me to
contribute to our times of quiet prayer with a reflective instrumental
hymns record. The truths of God implied simply by the sound of music
compel me to worship. And the beauty of using primarily acoustic
instruments is that when played, they simply manipulate the sounds
already swimming in the atmosphere. It's as if the earth itself is
singing. And we were thrilled to capture a bit of this, in our own
way, on tape."