Watermark recover from burn out after watching The Passion Of The Christ movie.
HUSBAND AND WIFE duo Watermark have released a new album 'The Purest Place'. The group, Nathan and Christine Nockels, told Christian Retailing magazine how they were dissatisfied with the results of their last CD 'Constant' and worn out from other industry related trials. Christy said, "At the beginning of this record we went into our label and said, 'You know we're so serious about this that we're willing to not make another record. We're willing to say we really want truly what God wants for our family. If it means not making another Watermark record, we're at a place in our lives where we're ready to do that.'"
After learning of their concerns, the label surrounded and attempted
to help the couple through the time of redirection. During that same
week in November, they were invited to a rough-cut screening of Mel
Gibson's The Passion Of The Christ. Suddenly, the inspiration and
drive began flowing again. "It just completely broadsided us," said
Christy. "We had not heard anything about it, and we were one of the
first few artists that were able to view it. It was really God's
timing and we were confident of that. We came home and I wrote a song
called 'The Glory Of Your Name' that night. Those next few weeks we
wrote our entire record."