Song on new Meredith Andrews album ministers to its writers
ON 22ND January 2013 Word Records are releasing the new album, 'Worth
It All', by CCM hitmaker Meredith Andrews. Meredith, who is a
worship leader at Harvest Bible Chapel just outside Chicago, spoke
about the song "Not For A Moment (After All)", which has already
received considerable US airplay. "When Jacob Sooter and I wrote 'Not
For A Moment' with our friend Mia Fieldes, we had no idea that God
would use the lyrics of this song to minister to us months after we
had written it. The truth that he loves us and will never forsake us,
even in our weakest, darkest moments, is a truth that never changes.
It is always true. He is constant, good and in control even when it's
difficult to believe. I've seen first-hand the influence that truth
set to music has on people's lives. I'm humbled and thankful for the
opportunity to work with our friends in Christian radio who will be
the catalyst for this song touching hearts and lives in ways above and
beyond what it's already done in our family."