The 77s explore old gospel music with latest release
CHRISTIAN rock veterans the 77s have released a new album, 'Holy Ghost
Building', exploring the roots of gospel music. The group's Mike Roe
told HM magazine about the project, "It got its start from our
drummer, Bruce Spencer. He's been on the road with [Americana buzz
artist] Jackie Green and I think Bruce was trying to find a way to get
us back into the studio again. He suggested, 'Why don't you go and
find a bunch of old gospel songs and we'll record those our own way.
Just forget about writing songs, let's just do some old, classic stuff
- whatever you wanna do.' So, I went and did a bunch of research and I
found all these great gospel blues songs and stuff like that. It was a
real education for me. I'd heard a lot of this stuff over the years,
but I really submersed myself in it this time."