Donnie McClurkin signs tie up with clothing ministry.
GOSPEL superstar Donnie McClurkin has signed a contract with Christ
First Ministries to launch a new clothing line, Christ First Limited
Edition Donnie McClurkin Collection. With each exclusive design comes
Pastor McClurkin's favourite Scripture, autograph and colour
combinations. According to Christ First, the partnership marks "the
first time God is brought to gospel's most influential and anointed
vocalist together with today's leading Christian clothing ministry,
not for fame nor finance, but for ministry work."
Pastor McClurkin
You inspire me in all that I go through. Your songs, there is one for each occassion. Top of the list, Great is your Mercy, my 3 year old sings on her own & couple others.
Continue with the work of God!! Soldier in His name.
Please do visit our city so you may save many more souls through ZEAL for our heavenly Father.
I could gone on but will stop right... God bless