New album by Stacie Orrico slammed by Q magazine
THE LATEST album by teen star Stacie Orrico, 'Beautiful Awakening'
(Virgin), got a distinctly unenthusiastic review in the October issue
of Q magazine. It reads, "By the time Seattle-born Stacie Orrico had
reached 18, she was what Rihanna is today: a million-selling act whose
identikit R&B shtick was interchangeable with any number of her
then peers. Tiring of the limelight, she retired from music and landed
a job in a diner ('I just wanted to do something normal,' she recently
opined). Two years on, she's back with her third album of Rihanna-ish
beats and ballads. Individuality is not asserted here."
I think that q mag has made a big mistake saying those thingd about stacie Orrico first of all they dont know anyhting about her,and whatever harsh or anything harmful they say about her they can shove it down ther throats