US and UK attractions to be held at Greenbelt festival
THIS YEAR'S Greenbelt Festival has announced a strong bill featuring top attractions from the US and the UK. The event, due to be held on 22nd to 25th August at Deene Park, Corby will feature Over The Rhine, the American art pop band back at Greenbelt for their third year; Britain's premier alternative worshippers Delirious?; veteran US singer/songwriter/producer Charlie Peacock; top Irish indie rock team Halcyon Days; hot new American pop rock team featuring Ian Eskelin, All Star United; pop folk roots skifflers Why?; acclaimed American singer/songwriter Sarah Masen; guitar driven Brit pop team Flow; veteran American rock man Rick Elias; Irish acoustic man lain Archer; and the UK's popular indie rock team Split Level.
Other attractions include the Abundant dance tent; a new comedy tent; and a full seminar programme which includes New Zealand novelist Mike Riddell; Nicaraguan minister Gustavo Parajon; TV-friendly apologist Steve Chalke; and Bishop of Stepney John Sentamu.
The event, run in conjunction with Christian Aid, will be showing
Greenbelters how they can put pressure on the supermarkets to adopt a
code of conduct ensuring that workers in the developing would have
fair pay and working conditions.