Worship man Tim Hughes speaks about St Luke's, Gas Street, Birmingham
IN A NEW interview with Premier Christianity magazine, the worship leader and vicar Tim Hughes spoke about how £1.2 million was raised to renovate a warehouse in Birmingham in the Church Of England's plant of a new church. Speaking about St Luke's, Gas Street Hughes said, "Money has come in and God has provided in incredible ways. We've raised £1.2m and a bit toward the next phase." The first phase of the building project was completed earlier this month. 450 people including Nicky Gumbel and the Bishop of Birmingham David Urquhart attended the launch on Friday 5th February.
The composer of such classics as "Here I Am To Worship" and "Happy
Day" also revealed that while worship leading is a "massive part" of
his calling, he may not be touring as much in the future. He told
journalist Sam Hailes, "To be honest I don't want to travel. I don't
want to miss a Sunday. There's no other place I'd rather be. I
probably won't be putting out quite as much music, but I've never been
wildly prolific. Longer term for me, where I get excited is seeing
young songwriters who hear things totally differently, writing amazing