Word to release 'Miracles' album by George Huff.
LOUISIANNA-born George
Huff, who rose to prominence through the American TV talent search
American Idol, has released his full length debut album 'Miracles'
through Word Records. This follows up last year's 'Christmas' EP.
'Miracles' includes six songs co-written by Huff including the track
"See What God Can Do" which pre-dates Huff's American Idol
appearances. He told Christian Retailing, "The song arose from that
time between college and the early stages of American Idol when I was
pretty much at my wit's end. I was discouraged by the way things had
gone in school and I knew that Idol, and the music business in
general, was such a long shot.I had to change my whole point of view
from 'what can George do?' to 'exercise the faith you were raised on
and let go of having to control everything and then see what God can