Geoff Moore returns after a four year hiatus
AFTER A FOUR year hiatus best selling Christian pop rock singer Geoff Moore is set to release a new album. 'Saying Grace' will be released in the US on 30th August. Said producer Don Chaffer (Waterdeep, Sevenglory), "The way Geoff sounds on this record, it's like he's across the table from you, telling stories, offering reflections, and inviting you into the conversation. It's the way the writing and recording sessions felt too."
Said Moore, "'Saying Grace' is an album about thankfulness. The last
few years God has let me walk some hard roads with people I love.
These songs were born of those journeys. My prayer is that they will
be good travelling companions. I wrote them to encourage all our
hearts that we are loved, and cared for. That on our best, or hardest,
days we would be overwhelmed by God's great Love for us. Here's to
living a life of thankfulness Saying Grace."