October release for Tenth Avenue North's 'Followers'
NASHVILLE'S CCM group Tenth Avenue North will have their new
album 'Followers' released through Reunion Records on 14th October.
Said frontman Mike Donehey, "This album is about following Jesus
wherever he calls us. Everyone says let's follow Jesus - let's do all
these extravagant things but what we're saying is not to follow Jesus
in what we do but to follow Jesus in the WHY we do it. Over the last
year as we started working on this new album, it became clear that
most of the themes of these songs point to where we are in our lives
right now eight years after our label debut. We have settled into that
maybe God isn't as interested in the success of our career as he is
about the posture of our hearts and what would it look like if we
lived every day of our lives the way God commanded. One of the most
repeated commands in the Bible is 'Do not be afraid,' and the one
thing we know is that God does not want us to follow him in fear."