Women's ministry event set to take place in Belfast in June.
THE ANNUAL women's ministry event, Focusfest, takes place on 24th and
25th June. The event will be held at Belfast Waterfront while the
event for younger women, Emerge, will be held at The Spires Centre,
Belfast. Speakers for the event include USA's Laurie McIntyre and
Priscilla Reid and Clare Hill from Northern Ireland.
As I have gone to this event for a few years and felt it was an uplifting experience, this year was a total disappointment - quite a few girls went with us for the first time and I doubt they will return - the praise was so droll and as for the praise service it was worse, we all were looking forward to raising our voices with joy and praising the lord but am sorry to say it was woeful.
Also the afternoon conferences held in the main hall was not a success, the stalls were much better out in the entrance and the bt hall used for the afternoon session.
I felt that I needed to give you this feed back as the event will lose out if people just stop going and no one lets you know the reasons behind it.