Songwriter and author Andy Flannagan is leaving full time employment with British Youth For Christ
POPULAR British singer/songwriter and author Andy Flannagan has announced that he is
moving on from full time employment with British Youth For Christ.
Said Flannagan, "I have known this call to be a minstrel for some time
now; to comfort and challenge people with the truth, and now is the
right time to give God the space to take that tune a little bit
further. I don't yet know the exact shape of what I'll be doing, but
I'm ready for the adventure. Even though I know it's right, I am
really sad to be leaving YFC, who have supported me so wonderfully
over these years. I am ironically leaving at a time when I have never
been more excited about YFC's health and strategic position in the
nation and its ever-growing opportunities. It's a relationship that
will continue." Flannagan's new book 12 Disciples is published this