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Thursday 17th July 2014

Heath McNease plans 'Fort Wayne' album and film

HIP-HOP artist Heath McNease has launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds for a new film and album, both titled 'Fort Wayne'. The 40 minute film is about McNease's experiences touring the USA's frozen midwest. About the project, Heath wrote, "The film is done. The album that accompanies it is done. They are completely ready to go. But it can't go any further without the help of my supporters. There's no way to really move forward until I can make back at least a portion of what I've spent to produce this film and make the accompanying record. The money will allow me to advertise, recoup, and find new avenues to help this project reach a larger audience. Without your help it just remains a well done project that nobody gets to see, embrace, or share." CR

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