Metal team Demon Hunter talk about the growth of Christian hard music.
IN A RECENT issue of Rock Sound magazine metal band Demon Hunter spoke about
the unexpected growth in popularity of hard music Christian bands.
Said frontman Ryan Clark, "We were there when it was definitely not as
accepted to be Christians playing metal; we felt the wrath for sure.
We didn't sell records when we were in (former band) Training For
Utopia and we did not have a huge following, but bands these days are
doing exactly the same thing we did and selling huge numbers. Things
have certainly changed, but I think for the most part it is people
coming round to the music rather than music changing for people's
I think these guys rock! It's really tough being a Christian in the military these days. I'm surrounded by cussing and censorship. I feel sometimes that I am in my own little world. I go back to my room and blast some Christian rock/metal and seclude myself from the world to get away from the world when I can't talk to my wife. I requested 1000 Apologies from the local Army OIF radio station (Freedom Radio) but the chances of it being played are slim to none. I too am a and a couple of guys that are also in the Army (FT. Stewart) have a band pHd (praise Him daily). Anyway...sorry for rambling, it's guys like Demons Hunter that keep my motivation going here in combat! Thanks for all that you do...
Phillip AKA: SSG Walling