R&B singer Jonte Short finds church resistance in New Orleans.
IN A MAJOR photo feature The Sunday Times Magazine ran an article on
Jonte Short, who has recently joined new band Fried, led by Englishman
David Steele, formerly the bassist and chief songwriter with hitmakers
Fine Young Cannibals. Journalist Robert Sandall accompanied Short to
the Ebenezer Tabernacle New Baptist church in New Orleans where she
sang. The article reported, "After the three hour worshipful marathon,
everybody is civil. But the next day, Short receives a stream of
complaints about the intrusive media contingent and the
inappropriateness of her singing in God's house when she's on the
payroll of Madonna's record label. It transpires that in this poor
neighbourhood in the Deep South, there is still such a thing as 'the
devil's music'. As a gospel singer, you can use your God-given voice
for scriptural purposes, or stand accused of selling it to the other
side. Which is what many of the Ebenezer faithful believe Short has
done. She has attended church every Sunday, all her life, but she
doesn't expect to be invited to sing with her family in the Ebenezer
Baptist choir for the foreseeable future."