Hampshire band Glo lash the theory of evolution on new album.
HAMPSHIRE four piece Glo have released their second independent album
'Evilution' which lashes the theory of evolution. Formed in 1999, Glo
have made the album to reinforce the band's commitment to "dispelling
the myth of evolution and proclaiming the message that the Bible is
still the only authority of life in the dark and deceived world." Lead
singer Steev Jordan said, "Several years ago, the Lord put a burden on
our hearts concerning the current state of unbelief in the UK and how
even the Church had compromised and defiled the Word of God by
embracing the biased teachings of humanistic evolution. As with
atheistic evolution, theistic evolution effectively undermines the
Bible by challenging and attacking its very foundation. Furthermore,
what many don't realise is that by Christians allowing God's work to
be re-interpreted through the eyes of secular science, people outside
the Church conclude that the Bible can't be trusted. Whenever we
compromise the Word of God, we undermine its authority, when we
undermine its authority we stray dangerously from its path and
righteousness. Is it any wonder therefore, that the 'Church' is often
seen as outdated and out of touch in the eyes of the public?"