One Night With The King movie launched in the US
A FEATURE film, One Night With The King, based on the biblical story of Queen Esther, opened in a thousand US cinemas on 13th October. The film is an adaptation of best selling author Tommy Tenney's 2005 novel Hadassah: One Night With The King. The film was produced by Gener8xion Entertainment, whose chairman/CEO is Matthew Crouch, son of Trinity Broadcasting Network founders Jan and Paul Crouch.
The film stars Tiffany Dupont as Queen Esther, Luke Goss as King
Xerxes, James Callis as Hamen, Tommy "Tiny" Lister as Haggai, John
Nobel as Prince Admantha, Peter O'Toole as Samuel the Prophet, John
Rhys-Davies as Mordecai and Omar Sharif as Prince Memucan. The movie
is to be released on DVD in March 2007 by 20th Century Fox Home
I watched the movie One Night With The King and I loved it. What I liked just as much as the movie was the song during the credits sung by Jeannie Tenney,- ( one night with the king ) I was wondering if there was any way to buy a copy of that song ???