Veggie Tales move into the dance game field
THE MUSHROOMING Christian-themed dance arcade game fad spawned by Digital Praise's 'Dance Praise' product branches out this month with the release of Veggie Tales Dance, Dance, Dance, Big Idea and Digital praise have joined in a partnership to bring the new product to the market. The Veggie Tales PC game pits the player against a display of arrows scrolling across the screen in time with dance music. Players try to stay in sync with the display and the music by stepping on the corresponding arrows on the floor pad.
Players as young as age five can dance to Veggie Tales tunes such as
"The Bunny Song", "The Veggie Tales Theme Song" and "The Pirates Who
Don't Do Anything" as well as a collection of Larry's silly songs. The
combination of challenge levels and song choices provides a total of
200 dance possibilities.