Cross Rhythms becomes a charity.
A NEW charitable trust has been set up to oversee the affairs of the still diversifying Cross Rhythms ministry. Magazine, radio programme production, festival and road shows will all come under the Cross Rhythms Trust which is currently awaiting confirmation of its status from the Charity Commissioners. The trust board consists of Gary Streeter MP for Plymouth, Sutton; Dr Graham Stirling, Chief Executive of The Barden Corporation; Consultant Surgeon Brian Bliss; and architectural consultant Ian Potts.
Severn Sound have announced that it will begin broadcasting a weekly Cross Rhythms programme which, like the existing Cross Rhythms flagship programme currently on ILR's Plymouth Sound, will be presented by Chris Cole. The programme, which will be heard in Cheltenham, Gloucester and parts of Bristol, kicks off on 17th March, and will go out every Wednesday from 9:00pm to 10:00pm.Talks are also at an advanced stage about a Cross Rhythms programme on another ILR station in the East Of England. Said Chris Cole, "There really is a several-pronged attack developing to fill the vacuum existing in the Church, and the world, in music ministry. I believe this synergy comes from God."
Gavin Drake, for a year the assistant editor of Cross Rhythms, has left the magazine. His replacement is Jonathan Bellamy who for the last year has been working in administration and advertising with Cornerstone House. Jonathan, who is Plymouth born and has a degree in physics, is "excited and awed" by the doors God is opening in Christian media. Commented Cross Rhythms editor Tony Cummings, "I'm blessed that Jonathan has responded so positively to God's call and shown such resilience in the immense demands and pressures of both a chaotic editorial office and living by faith." Speaking about the departure of Gavin Drake, Tony said, "Gavin has had a rough ride recently, the Cross Rhythms burglaries and assault, and the unwelcome attention of the mass media concerning his friendship with Jill Saward." Jill is the author of the book 'Rape: My Story' and a Cross Rhythms reviewer. Continued Tony, "Gavin and Jill need encouragement and our prayers. While we were in Walsall, Gavin worked very, very hard for Cross Rhythms and Work Station (the now defunct album production company) and his energy and skills will be missed."
Plans are underway to turn the Spirit Of Rock 'n Soul series of
articles into a weekly radio insert for the Cross Rhythms radio
programmes currently going out to seven African countries through
Trans World Radio.