Doug Horley touring with Circus Show then to begin Christmas nativity/panto

CHILDREN'S music ministry man Doug Horley is back touring with the Circus Show. He wrote, "I'm touring the Circus Show again as Naomi's now back after having baby Malachi (congratulations to the Giffen family!) and we have three shows coming up this weekend in Reading 13th Oct, Newbury 14th and Weybridge 15th. It's a really fun show and we keep hearing how our gospel presentation using aerial circus and orchestral music has moved people in a really powerful way. I'm taking bookings for it for next year."
Horley will then be embarking on the nativity/panto One Christmas
Angel. He said, "It really is so much fun and a great Christmas event
to bring friends and family along to. This year we have Mark Middleton
and Caroline Webb joining the cast along with Adrian Preater (who
played Eric last year) and Adam Perkins on tech. It's going to be a