Darrell W Six launches worship music in Mandarin Chinese
THE CREATEWorship organisation based in Colorado Springs, USA has
released a CD EP of Mandarin Chinese worship music. Said
CreateWorship's Darrell W Six, "It's my hope that every four months
CreateWorship.org will release an EP of new worship music in Chinese.
In fact, we just finished mastering our most recent project. We expect
the web to be our primary method of distribution. My desire is to take
the Gospel to Chinese young people through music and create worship
where none exists. We are always looking for avenues to get our music
to the Church and the unchurched alike."
My name is Petra Latupeirissa, i'm from Indonesia. I ever met with Darrell W Six in one youth tribal conference in jakarta, Indonesia in 1999. He was a missionary from china, he came with his wife. I dont know, recently God remind me to figure out him, so i need your favour, may i have his email address? So i can connecting with him again after 14 years i am lost contact with him. Thanks so much if you can give me some information about him.