Berlin's Olympic Stadium event brings together international worship ministries.
A WIDE RANGE of worship ministries have now confirmed they will be
playing at the Calling All Nations event due to be held at the Olympic
Stadium, Berlin on 15th July. So far confirmed are, from the UK:
Delirious?, Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Yfriday, Onehundredhours, Sue
Rinaldi, Paul Oakley, Graham Kendrick, Dave Bilbrough, Chris Bowater,
Godfrey Birtill, Psalm Drummers, Noel Richards; from the Netherlands:
Kees Kraayenoord, Inside Out; from Canada: Brian Doerksen; from
Australia: Reuben Morgan; from USA: David Ruis, Wayne Drain; from
Germany: Julie Bailey, Broken Walls Christoph Bonnen, Lothar Kosse,
Arn Kopfermann; from Switzerland: Lilo Keller plus many more. For more
information visit