Michael W Smith speaks about his forthcoming movie debut.
CCM STAR Michael W Smith spoke recently about his forthcoming acting debut in the independent film The Second Chance, which is being directed by well known Christian music producer Steve Taylor. The theme of the film is about a suburban church minister (Smith) who's sent to save an inner-city ministry that deals with former prostitutes and drug dealers. Smith got an acting coach for the role and had help from James Caviezel, who played Jesus in Mel Gibson's The Passion Of The Christ. Said Smith, "I really picked his brain a lot. I'd ask him a question and get a 15 minute response every time."
Smith says the film may be the start of a whole new career,
considering he's been recording music for more than 20 years. He and
son Ryan, 21, have started a film company called Seabourne Pictures.
All his five children have some sort of creative talent, from
producing videos to playing piano, and his wife is a writer. Commented
Smith, "Our house is the entertainment complex of Franklin,